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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Slicing of silicon wafers for PV applications using Wire Electric Discharge Machining (Wire-EDM)

An electrical discharge machining apparatus and a process for slicing one or more slices from a block of silicon are disclosed. The apparatus comprises a platform for mounting the block of silicon and a molybdenum wire having a diameter range between 39g and 101g. When the apparatus is used, either the silicon block andioi the wire is moved towards one another for slicing. The power supply for the apparatus is a MOSFET type generator. The process of slicing one or more slice from the block of silicon comprises mounting the block of silicon with reference to the apparatus, coupling the molybdenum wire having a diameter range bet-weer. 391.1. and 101g and slicing one or more slices from the block of silicon by electrica discharge between the molybdenum wire and the block of silicon.

Patent Application No