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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
An Apparatus For Inspection Of Rail Tracks

The present invention relates to an apparatus for inspection of rail tracks without blocking the train route. The apparatus comprises an elevating unit and a retracting unit. The elevating unit having a frame mounted on a lifting mechanism and the retracting unit having a pair of arms coupled with the frame and configured to move between a protracted position and a retracted position with respect to the frame, each arm having a guide wheel such that when the arms are moved in a protracted position, each of the guide wheels is placed on each of the rail tracks. During inspection, the frame is moved to an elevated state by the lifting mechanism and the arms protract to place each of the guide wheels on each of the rail tracks whereby the apparatus travels between the rail tracks; and during idle state of the apparatus, the frame and the arms are in retracted position making the apparatus to rest on the sleepers.

Societal Impact
  • The autonomous rail inspection robot enhances safety by ensuring continuous track monitoring without human intervention or train route disruptions. 
  • It reduces the risk of derailments, improves maintenance efficiency, and minimizes the economic impact of train delays.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Part A and Part B (as shown in the figure) connected via a pivot arm, allowing movement over the tracks. 
  • A scissor jack mechanism that lifts the robot off the track and folds it between the rails. 
  • Autonomous operation with sensors to detect approaching trains and initiate the folding process. 
  • Robust construction to withstand the weight of passing trains without damage.

  • The robot is designed to autonomously move over the fold itself to allow trains to pass without interrupting the inspection process.
  • Upon folding, it allows the train to move over it without any damage to the train and robot. 
  • After the train passes, it should be able to align back on the track and resume moving on the tracks. 
  • This innovation inspects the railway tracks by eliminating the need for human intervention and prevents train route blockages, distinguishing it from existing solutions that are not foldable and require manual operation.
Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

A lab based prototype has been demonstrated.

Relevant Industries

Railway transportation, Robotics and automation, Infrastructure maintenance, Safety engineering