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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
A System for Desalinating Saline Water

The invention relates to a novel desalination system designed to address the global water scarcity issue by offering a sustainable, cost-effective solution. The system integrates a humidification-dehumidification (HDH) cycle with a specialized heat exchanger, primarily powered by solar energy. 

This innovative approach significantly reduces energy consumption and operational costs compared to conventional desalination methods. The modular design enhances scalability and ease of maintenance, making it suitable for diverse applications, including rural and urban water supply, industrial water treatment, and agricultural irrigation. 

The system's ability to provide a reliable source of fresh water with minimal environmental impact positions it as a critical advancement in sustainable water management technologies.

Societal Impact

The invention can provide a reliable and affordable source of fresh water in water-scarce regions, improving public health and quality of life. By reducing dependence on conventional energy sources, it also contributes to environmental sustainability.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • The system features a dual-chamber design with a humidification and dehumidification cycle integrated with a heat exchanger. This design allows for efficient heat recovery, significantly reducing the energy required for desalination. 
  • The use of solar energy as a heat source further enhances the system's sustainability and cost-effectiveness. 
  • The modular design facilitates scalability and ease of maintenance.

  • The uniqueness of this desalination system lies in its integration of a humidification-dehumidification (HDH) cycle with an advanced heat exchanger, leveraging solar energy for enhanced efficiency. This innovative combination significantly reduces energy consumption and operational costs compared to conventional methods. 
  • The system's modular design allows for scalability and ease of maintenance, making it adaptable for various applications, from rural water supply to industrial use. 
  • By utilizing renewable energy, it offers a sustainable and cost-effective solution to the global water scarcity problem, setting it apart from traditional desalination technologies.
Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

Ongoing work focuses (funded by DST in partnership with BAIF) on demonstrating this work in the field at Tumkur, Karnataka.

Relevant Industries

Water Treatment and Desalination, Renewable Energy, Environmental Engineering, Agriculture, Municipal Water Supply

Applications or Domain

Rural and urban water supply systems,, Industrial water treatment, Agricultural irrigation in arid regions, Emergency and disaster relief water purification