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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
A 5-electrode configuration for electrochemical micromachining system based on anodic dissolution.

The present invention is a hybrid electrochemical micromachining (ECMM) system designed to enhance the surface characteristics of titanium alloy parts by reducing oxide layer formation during machining. This advanced system uses multiple electrodes and pulsed voltage supply to improve the precision and accuracy of machined micro-features.

Societal Impact

The invention promises to significantly enhance the precision manufacturing capabilities for critical applications in aerospace, medical, and micro-device industries, leading to better-performing products with higher reliability and safety standards.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • 5-Electrode System: Utilizes multiple electrodes including workpiece, tool, counter electrode, reference electrode, and auxiliary electrode 
  • Dual Pulse Generation Circuit: Provides forward pulses to the tool and reverse pulses to the auxiliary electrode to manage oxide layer formation 
  • Bi-potentiostat: Maintains a stable potential for precise control of the machining process Current Sensor: Monitors real-time machining current to detect and prevent short circuits 
  • Microcontroller Unit: Automates the process and minimizes human interaction 
  • Environmentally Friendly: Use of non-acidic electrolytes like sodium bromide (NaBr) ensures health safety and reduces machine degradation

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The technology is in an advanced stage of development, with the system components and their integration fully conceptualized and described

Relevant Industries

Aerospace, Biomedical, Automotive, Electronics

Applications or Domain
  • Aerospace industry for complex shapes from hard-to-machine alloys 
  • Biomedical devices, including orthopedic and dental implants 
  • Micro-electromechanical systems 
  • Manufacture of microholes, micro-nozzles, and precision microdevices