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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
A Fiber-Based Mode Converter

The abstract outlines a patent for a fiber-based mode converter utilizing a two-core fiber structure. The first core of the fiber is designed to support a single mode of Linearly Polarized (LP) modes and is used to receive input signals. The second core, referred to as a two-mode core, is configured to support multiple modes of LP modes. The patent describes a coupling between the single mode of the first core and one mode among the multiple modes of the second core, facilitating the conversion of modes within the fiber. This technology offers a method for efficiently converting modes within optical fibers, potentially enabling applications in telecommunications and optical signal processing.

Societal Impact
  • Improved Connectivity: Enhances the capacity and efficiency of optical communication networks, supporting the increasing demand for high-speed internet and data services. 
  • Cost Reduction: Provides a cost-effective solution for mode conversion, potentially reducing the overall costs of optical network infrastructure. 
  • Technological Advancements: Facilitates advancements in telecommunications, data centers, and optical sensing, contributing to technological progress and innovation.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Two-Core Fiber Design: A single-mode core (first core) supports a single mode of Linearly Polarized (LP) modes, specifically the fundamental mode (LP01). A two-mode core (second core) supports a plurality of LP modes, including the fundamental mode (LP01) and the next higher order mode (LP11). 
  • Mode Conversion via Thermal Expansion: The single mode of the first core is coupled to one mode of the plurality of modes of the second core through thermal expansion, specifically coupling the LP01 mode of the single-mode core to the LP11 mode of the two-mode core. 
  • Thermally Diffused Core Technique (TDCT): High-temperature heat treatment causes dopant diffusion in the cores, expanding them and facilitating strong coupling between the modes.

  • Efficient Mode Conversion: Achieves high conversion efficiency and extinction ratio due to precise phase matching and thermal expansion. Robust against small variations in structural parameters and environmental conditions. 
  • Broad Wavelength Range: Operates effectively across the entire C-band (1530 to 1565 nm), making it versatile for various optical communication applications.
Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

This is a product quite useful in optical fiber communication. As mentioned in the document, to the best of our knowledge this product is not available in the market. It may be followed up with the companies mentioned in the document.

Relevant Industries

Telecommunications (Fiber-optic communication networks, Internet service providers, Broadband infrastructure), Data Centers, Optical Networking Equipment, Information Technology

Applications or Domain
  • Enhanced capacity and performance in optical networks via mode division multiplexing. 
  • Applications in optical signal processing including filters and wavelength routing. 
  • Efficient signal routing and processing in data centers and telecommunications. 
  • Potential for robust and efficient mode conversion in future fiber optic systems.