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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Regenerative Cascaded Multicell Converter (CMC)

The invention describes a Regenerative Cascaded Multicell Converter (CMC), which comprises at least two power cells configured for each phase of one or more phases of the converter. Each phase includes a coupled inductor that connects a rectifier to an isolated power source, thereby delivering power to each power cell. Additionally, the regenerative CMC incorporates a controller located at the input side, which regulates the input power to each power cell based on a phase-shifted technique. This configuration aims to enhance the efficiency and performance of power conversion in regenerative applications.

Societal Impact
  • Offers significant societal benefits by enhancing energy efficiency and reducing harmonic pollution in power systems. 
  • Ability to support bidirectional power flow facilitates applications in renewable energy integration, and industrial drives. 
  • By optimizing energy usage and reducing grid disturbances, the CMC contributes to a more stable and sustainable electrical infrastructure. 
  • Modular design and fault tolerance also improve reliability and reduce maintenance costs, making clean energy technologies more accessible and reliable for communities worldwide.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Coupled Inductor Configuration: Reduces harmonic distortion and ensures equal current sharing. 
  • Single Controller: Manages input power and maintains overall stored energy for all power cells. 
  • Multilevel Voltage Operation at Both Input and Output: Enhances efficiency and reduces transformer overrating. PWM Rectifier-Based Power Cells: Enables regeneration capability. 
  • Modular Transformer Design: Facilitates easy transportation, installation, and maintenance.

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology
  • A prototype has been developed and tested in lab environment 
  • The experimental results indicate a reduction in harmonic content, with the regenerative CMC achieving seven-level output phase voltage at 40 Hz operation and five-level output phase voltage at 30 Hz operation with a bypassed cell. 
  • The coupled inductor configuration ensures equal current sharing among all power cells in one phase.
Relevant Industries

Electrical and Power Electronics Converter Manufacturing, Power, Energy

Applications or Domain

Ability to support bidirectional power flow facilitates applications in renewable energy integration, electric vehicles, and industrial drives.