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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Electromicrofluidic Device, Fabrication Process and Method for Generation of Biocarrier in Presence of Electric Field

The invention proposes an electromicrofluidic device for generating a biocarrier in the presence of an electric field. The device features a capillary channel with an internal surface. A first liquid inlet allows a first liquid to enter the capillary channel and acts as a liquid electrode, while a second inlet allows a second liquid to enter the capillary channel. An oil inlet is positioned adjacent to the second inlet to introduce oil into the capillary channel. The first conductive region, which includes a hollow needle connected to the first liquid inlet, serves as the liquid electrode. The second conductive region comprises a hollow cylindrical outlet and acts as a counter electrode to the liquid electrode. An electric field is applied between the conductive regions, enabling the flow of charge in a solution of the first and second liquids within the capillary channel, thereby generating the biocarrier.

Societal Impact

The invention has applications in major areas such as drug delivery, therapeutic applications, tissue engineering which can be used to battle diseases and promote better health of the public.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Easily fabricated without the need for a clean room or sophisticated instruments, making it economically feasible 
  • Capable of generating microfibers and nanofibers by operating in electrospinning mode 
  • Achieves reduced sizes of biocarriers 
  • Utilizes a metallic electrode as the main outlet, preventing blockage and clogging 
  • Easily removable, facilitating the cleaning of the electromicrofluidic device and enhancing its reusability for multiple experiments 
  • Easy modifications to the design in terms of adding additional channels, etc. can be made

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The invention has a proof of concept developed. An experimental setup and a working principle of the device has been proposed.

Relevant Industries

Biomedical industry, chemical industry, healthcare industry, Food industry

Applications or Domain

This device can be commercially utilized for generating microparticles, emulsions, and microcapsules in the food, biomedical, and chemical industries for various applications. The current method of droplet merging in the presence of an electric field can be employed to produce microparticles and microcapsules of reduced size. The design is easily modifiable to suit specific applications. The proposed method and design can also couple active droplet generation methods with on-chip gelation for the effective production of 3D biomaterials.