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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
A Sheath Flow-Cell and a Flow Cytometer including the same

A compact, economical, and biocompatible flow cell has been developed, capable of performing hydrodynamic focusing of particles or cells entrained in a fluid for analysis in a flow cytometry apparatus. This innovative design serves as a replacement for commercial flow cells, meeting all required specifications. In a flow cytometer, light scattered by hydrodynamically focused particles or cells is measured under illumination, based on the principle of light scattering. Traditionally, this hydrodynamic arrangement is achieved using intricately designed and expensive commercial flow cells. Our design, however, utilizes inexpensive and readily available capillaries attached to sturdy polymer fixtures in a straightforward manner. It effectively focuses the sample stream of particles to a core width or diameter of approximately 20µm. The flow cell has been tested by studying the relationship between the sample core diameter or width and the sample and sheath flow rates.

Societal Impact

The invention helps in providing improved healthcare and diagnostics in a very accessible and affordable manner.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Provides a sheath flow cell design compatible with any flow cytometric apparatus 
  • Employs a leak-free sheath flow that encloses a sample flow containing particles within an airtight polymer or metal fixture. 
  • Introduces a small, simple, lightweight, low-cost, reliable, reproducible, and durable capillary flow cell design. 
  • Provides a biocompatible supply system where the sheath liquid contacts only non-metal parts 
  • Avoids metal corrosion and contamination of the sheathing liquid 
  • Uses low-cost, readily available, and durable capillaries jacketed with silicone collars, making the design economical, sturdy, and easy to handle and maintain 
  • Ensures a smooth square capillary interface for uninterrupted illumination and light collection. 
  • Offers a generic design that allows for modifications, such as introducing a bubble-free apparatus and incorporating 3D-printed designs.

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

It is at the stage of demonstration and/or validation in lab environment. The invention was also tested by performing experiments with both sample liquids, namely dye and particle suspension. The results were analysed and the plots were obtained for the same.

Relevant Industries

Healthcare industry, Air pollution monitoring devices

Applications or Domain

The flow device is used in flow cytometers, 5-part hematology analyzer and air pollution monitoring devices.