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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Ice Phobic Coating Compositions with Robust Anti-Icing and De-Icing properties

The present invention pertains to ice-phobic coatings that are both anti-icing and de-icing, maintaining their efficacy across multiple freezing cycles. Specifically, the invention involves a coating composition that includes crosslinked soft particles, which enable the slow release of small molecule freezing point depressants. Additionally, it features a high-volume fraction of these hydrophilic soft particles dispersed within a hydrophobic crosslinkable medium. These ice-phobic coatings are designed to be durable, cost-effective, and capable of enduring repeated frosting cycles while providing effective anti-icing and de-icing performance.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Robust ability to retain performance over many cycles of frosting 
  • Capable of significantly delaying frost formation on a test aluminum substrate 
  • Can decrease the force required to shear off the ice that is formed on the surface 
  • Uses crosslinked soft particles that allow slow release of the small molecule freezing point depressant 
  • Blended coating comprises a majority included phase that slowly releases a freezing point depressant and decreases the modulus 
  • Minority matrix phase provides mechanical stability to the coating 
  • Provides excellent anti-icing performance even in extremely harsh conditions

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The invention is at the stage of Demonstration and/or validation in lab environment. The coating has been tested in labs and has shown better performance than other known coatings in the case of both anti-icing and de-icing.

Relevant Industries

Airplane industry, Electric power industry, Military and Defense industry, Marine industry, Construction industry, Transportation industry

Applications or Domain

Preventing ice formation (anti-icing) and facilitating ice removal (de-icing) on various surfaces is of significant practical importance. For instance, ice formation on aircraft necessitates time-consuming and expensive de-icing procedures before operation. Similarly, ice accumulation on power lines in cold regions can lead to power outages and requires de-icing. Due to the widespread impact of these issues, there is an ongoing interest in developing cost-effective and durable anti-icing and de-icing technologies.