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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Additional Tube Insert Arrangement for a Respiratory Mask

This invention introduces a new feature for a breathing mask used by patients for non- invasive ventilation support. This feature enables the seamless insertion of medical tubes, such as those used for feeding or medication administration, through the mask without necessitating its removal. Consequently, patients can receive essential treatments without disrupting their respiratory support. The design accommodates various tube sizes and maintains an airtight seal, ensuring both a secure and comfortable experience for the patient.

Societal Impact
  • Improves patient comfort and quality of life by facilitating uninterrupted therapy and minimizing discomfort associated with tube insertion.
  • Enhances healthcare efficiency by reducing the need for mask removal during tube insertion, potentially lowering treatment costs.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Allows insertion of oral/nasal tubes without removing the respiratory mask. 
  • Features a flexible corrugated portion for a secure, leak-proof fit around the tube. 
  • Utilizes a gland-nut assembly with upper, middle, and lower nuts for easy tube insertion. 
  • Offers a customizable solution, catering to a wide range of tube sizes for enhanced patient comfort and clinician convenience. 
  • Ensures superior safety with its leak-proof seal, minimizing the risk of air leakage.

  • Allows insertion of oral/nasal tubes without removing the respiratory mask. 
  • Features a flexible corrugated portion for a secure, leak-proof fit around the tube. 
  • Utilizes a gland-nut assembly with upper, middle, and lower nuts for easy tube insertion. 
  • Offers a customizable solution, catering to a wide range of tube sizes for enhanced patient comfort and clinician convenience. 
  • Ensures superior safety with its leak-proof seal, minimizing the risk of air leakage.
Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology
  • Prototype Development: The prototype of the additional tube insert arrangement for the respiratory mask has been successfully developed and tested. 
  • Patient Feedback: Initial patient reviews indicate improved comfort and reduced air leakage when using the mask with the tube insert arrangement. 
  • Current Stage: The technology is currently in the clinical trial phase to further validate its efficacy and safety.
Relevant Industries

Healthcare, medical devices

Applications or Domain
  • Ideal for critically ill patients requiring non-invasive ventilation (NIV) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) support. 
  • Essential in medical settings where tube insertion is needed for feeding or medication delivery while maintaining respiratory therapy.