The infrastructure of a country plays a major role in its growth and prosperity. It is vital to protect critical infrastructure from natural and man-made hazards to ensure safety of people and minimise environmental and economic impact. One such emerging hazard that requires immediate attention in India is the blast loading of structures due to detonation of high-explosives. As the threat perception to the risks associated with accidental and malevolent blast loading to critical government and private facilities changes, the elements of blast-resistant design would need to be incorporated for these structures
This research will characterise the blast load for near-field detonation of low to medium yield explosives in dense urban environments (e.g., Mumbai, Delhi, other metro cities). The goal is to improve accuracy of analysis methods and produce simplified design charts which can be useful to professional community engaged in the practice of blast-resistant design of structures. Research and development in this area will create indigenous expertise and knowledge base required to improve the practice of blast resistant analysis and design of structures.
Prof. Manish Kumar