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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre

Antibacterial and antiviral textiles (Duraprot)

Wash resistant antibacterial coating for medical textiles 

IIT Bombay has developed a technology for wash resistant antibacterial and antiviral nanocomposite coatings on textiles. The technology consists of biopolymers and nanoparticles formed by calcination along with crosslinking and catalyzing agents which is coated on textiles. The technology creates wash resistant coatings and the pre and post wash cycle coated textiles have been validated for antibacterial activities in accordance with antibacterial testing standards for textiles AATCC 100-2012. The coated textiles have been found to have >99% killing of bacterial strains. 

Wash resistant antiviral coating for medical textiles

There has been an urgent need for personal protective equipment including three-ply masks, N95 masks and gowns for healthcare workers. One approach is to enhance the functionality of three-ply masks with antiviral properties. Based on an established technology for wash resistant antibacterial coatings developed by Prof Rinti Banerjee and team, the team has developed additional antiviral coatings for medical textiles. Prototypes have been developed of the coated textiles with incorporation of encapsulated nanoparticles of naturally occurring non-toxic and non-irritant antiviral compounds for sustained antiviral effect. A provisional patent has been filed. The coatings have strong antiviral properties. The technology can lead to improved functionality of coated masks.


Late Prof. R Banerjee

Biosciences and Bioengineering


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Type Of IP Licensing
Patents Filed