Arsenic removal filter developed at IIT Bombay (IITB Product) involves the cooxidation of Fe(II) and As(III) in the presence of dissolved oxygen and subsequent arsenic removal by hydrous ferric oxide, which is formed from oxidation of Fe(II) naturally present in groundwater and from leaching of iron nails, thus As(III) oxidation is achieved without addition of any chemicals. This filter can be fabricated by local plumbers and masons in field using locally available materials. The unit is cost-effective and robust, does not require extensive monitoring. This filter provides drinking water to meet the daily needs of 200-300 families and can achieve arsenic level of <10 μg/L (WHO guideline) for initial arsenic concentrations of upto 500 μg/L at a flow rate of 600-1000 L/h.
The cost for producing 1000 L of water varies from Rs. 0.1 to 1.0/-. Around 50 units are installed in several villages of Assam, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal states and are operational for more than three years.
Prof. Sanjeev Chaudhari, Environmental Science and Engineering