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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
PWM Scheme and Inverter Structures and methods of operating thereof

This invention introduces a novel multi-carrier based Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) scheme designed for high switching frequency operation by utilizing low cost devices enhance the performance of inverters used in power systems. The scheme increases the effective switching frequency of inverters, reducing losses and improving power quality. It supports reactive power operation, crucial for handling diverse loads in both standalone and grid-connected set-ups. The approach involves using logic gates to modulate switch operations, validated through MATLAB simulations and hardware prototype showing low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in output waveforms. Furthermore, the scheme reduces the size and cost of filters due to its effective multiple time higher switching frequency, making inverters more compact and economical without compromising on performance.

Societal Impact
  • Reduction in energy losses by distributing losses among the switches. 
  • Enable the usage of low-cost devices for high frequency operation, resulting in lower cost of the system and smaller filter size.. 
  • Facilitation of advanced technology adoption accelerates industrial growth. 
  • Improved reliability ensures consistent power supply for societal needs.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Multi-Carrier Pulse Width Modulation (PWM): Enables operation at higher effective switching frequencies (demonstrated up to 4 times), reducing filter size and enhancing power density. Ideal for integrating with wide bandgap devices like SiC and GaN for improved efficiency in high-power applications. 
  • Reactive Power Operation Capability: Facilitates controlled reactive power flow, crucial for grid-connected inverters needing to comply with Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) requirements. Enhances system stability and flexibility in handling varying loads. 
  • Logic Gate Control for Phase-Shifted PWM: Utilizes NAND logic gates to enable precise modulation of switch states, allowing for effective management of reactive power. Enhances inverter performance under diverse load conditions, validated through MATLAB simulations and hardware prototype.

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

4 - Demonstration and/or validation in lab environment

Relevant Industries

Power electronics, Renewable energy, Grid-connected inverters, Electric Vehicles, Electrical engineering,

Applications or Domain

Renewable energy systems, grid-connected inverters, power electronics research