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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Quasi Multilevel Inverter(QMLI) for multi-phase applications

This invention introduces a new type of inverter called a Quasi Multilevel Inverter (QMLI) that simplifies traditional multilevel inverter designs. The QMLI uses an asymmetric approach, where one phase leg has more voltage levels than the others, effectively reducing common mode voltage (CMV) and leakage currents. This reduces electromagnetic interference and improves system efficiency without the high cost and complexity of conventional designs. The proposed QMLI is versatile, suitable for various applications like motor drives and solar energy systems, and ensures reliability and safety by minimizing harmful currents and voltage spikes. The novel design achieves significant performance benefits while remaining cost-effective and simpler to implement. A generalized schematic of the proposed topology is shown in Fig. 1. A specific implementation of the proposed topology is shown in Fig. 2.

Societal Impact
  • Enhanced Safety in Solar PV Systems Reduces leakage current, preventing electrical hazards and increasing user safety. 
  • Increased Reliability of Industrial Equipment Reduces bearing currents in motor drives, decreasing the likelihood of equipment failure and extending the lifespan of industrial machinery. 
  • Cost-Effective Renewable Energy Integration Simplifies inverter design, making renewable energy solutions more affordable and accessible. 
  • Reduced Environmental Impact Enhances power electronics systems' efficiency, contributing to lower energy consumption and reduced carbon footprint. 
  • Support for Advanced Technological Applications Provides reliable and efficient power conversion for cutting-edge technologies, fostering innovation and technological advancement.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Uses a novel Quasi Multi-Level Inverter (QMLI) topology where one phase leg produces a 3-level pole voltage and the other two legs produce 2-level pole voltages, reducing system complexity and cost. 
  • Introduces a new space vector (SV) diagram with 12 SVs, enabling a reduction in dv/dt of CMV by 50% and the CMV peak-to-peak value by 66.6%, enhancing system efficiency and performance. 
  • CMV and Leakage Current Reduction Achieves significant CMV reduction through its asymmetric pole voltage levels, leading to lower electromagnetic interference (EMI) and capacitive leakage current, improving system reliability and longevity. 
  • Generalized Extension to Multi-Phase Systems Can be generalized to multi-phase systems beyond the three-phase example, making it versatile and suitable for a wide range of industrial and renewable energy applications. 
  • Uses a novel PWM scheme to optimize the SV diagram, ensuring minimal CMV transitions, thus preventing issues like bearing currents and safety hazards in power electronic systems. 
  • Utilizes fewer components compared to conventional multilevel inverters, simplifying the design and maintenance processes while maintaining performance.

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The design of the topology and the design of PWM scheme is completed. Complete system level concept has been developed and the topology and the PWM scheme are tested in simulation and hardware prototype in laboratory.

Relevant Industries

Power electronics, Renewable energy, Electric vehicles, Industrial automation, Semiconductor manufacturing

Applications or Domain

Renewable energy systems, Electric vehicles, Motor drives, Grid-tied solar PV systems, Uninterruptible power supplies, Industrial automation, Power distribution systems